Thursday, November 02, 2006


I just have some questions that have been on my mind. So bare with me, I just need to let it out so that I can pray about it. You ever have those times when you know you're supposed to pray about something because it is an area of struggle but you never really do it until you've said it out loud to someone else. That's what this is. If I don't let you guys know I won't fully give it up to the LORD.

In preparing for what is to come I have had a lot of questions. The one that I struggle with every minute that I am with the girls, that's a lot of minutes, is how do I keep myself from becoming ANNOYED MOMMY? I get so annoyed at myself lately! For getting annoyed at the constant frustrations of parenting. How do I still discipline them knowing that soon our lives are going to be lived through visits? How do I punish them when the time will come that I am REALLY sick and can't even tend to them? I thought that being more gentle was going to make it better for all of us. But THEY need discipline! They are driving me crazy! They are use to discipline. Without it they are just bickering back and forth at eachother. I know the answer is to do as we always have and just realize that life will continue, all of the annoyances for sure. I JUST FEEL LIKE YELLING "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG". I am at such a place of peace right now, believe it or not after reading this, that I don't want the annoying to cloud that for me or the family. It's life! I know! I can't make it more than it is and I can't and am not supposed to ruin GOD'S work by getting "all girlie" on the LIFE MATTERS.

See I feel better know! Feel free to comment, slap some sense into me, laugh, whatever you want. I am here to amuse. I know I have a lot of new readers and hope that I haven't driven you away, but you can comment too! Just click comments, type what you want, sign it, and type the blue letters as they appear! Simple!

Love you!


Photolady said...

I heard something on the radio today that I think relates. It was about adoption, they wanted families to call in and tell about their personal situation, good or bad, and share it with the listeners. The last family I heard was a mom who when asked by the radio host if there was one bit of advice she would like to pass on with the listeners what would it be.....She said "to not stop living life" she was refering to when you decide to adopt and start the paperwork and are told you are getting a baby and when it will be born that not to put your life on hold for that moment. ( I assume because there can be so many different things that might come in the way of it ever even happening.)
So to get to my point.... this made me think of you today before I even read this blog. You need to go on living as you have the past year. Discipling the girls, loving them, schooling as much as you are able, loving them again and taking note of how many spankings they need when dad gets home. :)
I understand what you are saying but God does not want you to stop living and get distracted by the normal things in life that just need to always be a part of living.
You are to pray every time you get annoyed! Those feelings do not come from above! Plus, we ALL get annoyed with our kids it's if it gets excessive then we need to ask for help. When we don't give them lines "NOT" to cross we just make things harder on them, they are never sure what is OK today and tomorrow what won't be OK.
I Love you, you are a great mom and since your girls want to be just like YOU (no whipped cream and all), you have done something right!

Anonymous said...

Amy seems to have said it all. Although that doesn't seem to stop me from "talking".
I think that we all struggle with discipline and how much, when, but in your situation it's even more on your mind. I know this summer it was hard knowing with Tara and the coming changes we were going to be going through, where to step in and where to let go. You are a great mom and you don't want your kids to become brats (highly unlikely :-) so go ahead, keep being a mom. Love you!! Amanda