Happy Happy Joy Joy!
I am happy again! Did you know there were programs to recover images off your Compact Flash card? Well Amy saved the day with her Lexar program. Real cool!
So let me get started on my fun thing we did.
My family and I went to see the Lion King at the Pantages Theatre! It was the most awesome night ever! I am one big kid and just get so excited at things. This to me was the coolest night ever! We started off by going to eat at Micelli's in Studio City. When I made reservations here I thought it was going to be your typical Italian restaurant. I was mistaken! It was so beautiful inside! It was dark but well lit with old street lamps and Christmas lights. It felt as if we were sitting in a courtyard in Italy (I pretended). There is actually a whole outdoor scene inside with faux building and arches. I just loved it! As if the scene weren't enough, as we sat there the sound of the piano started echoing through the restaurant and then we heard this man singing loudly! It was our waiter! All of the waiters at one point or another sang, one even singing Jingle Bells in a dog bark, too funny. It was very entertaining and interactive! Obviously I highly recommend it!
Then we drove three exits down to the Pantages Theatre. I hadn't been there is so long. It is so beautiful inside, it feels as if you are walking into a 1940's scene. I could picture everyone wearing elegant gowns and furs(me pretending again). The Lion King was awesome! It is so detailed! I loved looking over at Analiese and Bella mouths open wide in total awe of what they were seeing. The music, choreography, and costumes were out of this world. Well worth the money! Analiese and Bella are still walking around with the
PlayBill. It was nice to do this with our family. I am so in love with them right now. I know that sounds funny but I do love them all so dearly. How many kids can say they have gone to a play with there Great Granny!
1 comment:
I'm so happy you got your pictures!! I'd be freakin' out!
What a wonderful night out! Glad you all enjoyed it!
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