Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's a go!

Hey everybody this is Manuel, Julie's hubby it looks like it's a go. They are taking blood, putting in the IV and asking a tons of questions. Right now the nurses are in the room then the NP and then the Doc. Julie is happy at peace and ready for the new journey the GOOD LORD has ahead of us. I will keep putting up post through out the night.

Sent via my iPhone ; )


Kristen Plum said...

Thanks Manuel. Praying!!

JUST A MOM said...


Provl8dy said...

I am so excited I am not going to be able to sleep!! We are there with you through our prayers. To God be the glory!!

Unknown said...

Yipee!! We are praying for you and this is something we have to be thankful for

Mitch said...

Julie & Manny we are so excited for you & will keep you lifted up in prayer together with the donor's family.The Diehl family:-)