Saturday, January 06, 2007


A - Available or taken: taken till I die
B - Best friend: My Manuel (my own personal guide). We do practically everything together. Too bad he has that job thing. He is the only one who will have Yahtzee, Othello, and Scrabble marathons with me.
C - Cake or pie: Cake! I make a killer Chocolate Truffle cake with fresh raspberries. Yummo!
D - Drink of choice: Ice Blended Mocha’s at Coffee Bean
E - Essential item you use everyday: My Slvr cell phone (itunes in it and the most awesome day planner)
F - Favorite color: Deep dark red
G - Gummy bears or worms: We don’t ever eat them. As a kid I liked gummy bears, now I don’t.
H - Hometown: Camarillo, Ca.
I - Indulgence: Probably baking. Reading about it, perfecting recipes, and decorating. I should do this more because I get really excited just thinking about it. I do get a little O.C.D. when doing it though.
J - January or February: February because I love making valentine treats.
K - Kids & names: Analiese and Isabella. Yes both have eight letters.
L - Life is incomplete without? Being able to cuddle my family while reading a book. Love on them. (so family and books)
M - Marriage date: July 18, 1998
N - Number of siblings: Two brothers. One older, Sal, and one younger, Mike.
O - Oranges or apples: Probably ½ of an apple. Too much fruit hurts my tongue, so oranges are out of the question.
P - Phobias or fears: GERMS. I really do my best to keep this at bay. I can get bad.
Q - Fave quote: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift -Eleanor Roosevelt
R - Reason to smile: Breath of life and Salvation through Christ.
S - Season: Fall. Crisp air and the color changing leaves.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: nah!
U - Unknown fact about me: I use to be a police officer
V- Vegetable you don't like: Jicama (spelling?)
W - Worst habit: Manuel says talking (what an honest best friend)
X - Xrays: Lungs, a year ago. It was our first glimpse into my new life.
Y - Your fave food: homemade chicken taquitos with mayo on them. Yummo!
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer (I use to think this meant I was destined to have it) but I am very emotional, highly caring, generous, and intuitive.


Anonymous said...

Okay, gotta ask:
"M - Marriage date: July 18, 2008"

Are you still in the planning stage? I'll mark my calendar for summer a year from now. If I'm invited, that is.

Love your list, now stop talking. (I said that in my best "stand up straight!" voice)

Julie said...

You are so funny! I actually lol!